Complex solutions

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a technological challenge

Method and systems knowledge are the bricks that allow to solve various problems. Technological expertise is the way to deliver the solution.

From system design to complex algorithms engineering to processor and FPGA implementations.

Some technological solutions implemented

Genomic data compression


  • Develop a genomic data compression solution based on the MPEG-G standard;
  • Ensure high performance in terms of processing time and final compression rate;


  • Development of a compression algorithm tailored on the intrinsic characteristics of genomic files that maximizes the compression, both for FASTQ and SAM/BAM files, even if pre-compressed with standard algorithms;
  • Implementation of the algorithm with the capability to scale on multi-core processors;


  • Lossless compression with file size reduction over 50% compared to BAM format and 30% compared to zip/gzip algorithms (FASTO.gz);
  • Reduction of processing time compared to similar applications;

Algorithm security verification


  • Verification of the robustness of a cryptographic algorithm used to open physical accesses through radio channel;
  • Lack of specific information on the algorithm. Previous attempts of Ethical Hacking by research centres and universities failed;


  • Cryptoanalysis of the algorithm in order to identify internal keys smaller than the standard key of the algorithm;
  • Verification of the possibility of attack through rainbow tables;
  • Brute-force attack via FPGA array optimized on internal key of the algorithm;


  • Algorithm hackable in a few minutes by intercepting n.3 client-server messages;
  • Consultancies on algorithm improvement techniques;

Embedded system emulation


  • Embedded system installed on a vehicle for which different conditions of use and user interfaces has to be simulated;
  • Perform developments and bench simulations directly on simulator;


  • Development of a Linux distribution starting from the original embedded system’s SW;
  • Build of a QEMU virtual machine for the simulation of an ARM processor on which the SW is installed;


  • Release of a complete device simulator, extended with its interfaces and the GUI on which to perform developments and tests;

Access control and areas protection


  • Access control on different locations;
  • Distribution of access rights for each user by location and area within the site;
  • Hands-free access to ensure high flows of people in a short time;
  • Management of reserved areas with door opening only for authorized users;
  • Capability of modification/ revocation of access rights in real time and management of time-based rights;


  • Buildings, gates, areas and sites (Ariston Theatre of Sanremo, Sanremo casino and press rooms) survey;
  • Identification of the suitable technology;
  • Design of hands-free gates, connected to the central server and equipped with bright feedback and graphical interface to verify every access by security personnel;


  • System used during the event «Sanremo Festival 2019» for access control of technical staff, artists, journalists, etc

Linux Embedded system stability


  • Identify the stability and performance issues of an infotainment system for an high-end cars;
  • Ensure system stability even on «critical» situations;


  • Drivers implementation analysis;
  • Code instrumentation in order to trace all malfunction events on applications and OS levels;
  • Analysis of all events and root-cause identification;


  • Release of several fixes on drivers;
  • Development of an OS thread to manage applications and «on the fly» reconfiguration to ensure constant stability;